Please fill out the form below to be considered as an owner in our Homeshare program.
Please read the Owner Terms & Conditions before submitting the form.
Full Name*
Date of Application*
Date of Birth
Are you a homeowner or renter?
Do you have any local family support?
Do you have services and support already in place?**
What accommodation is available for the sharer?
How did you hear about Holdsworth HomeShare? Click on the box to select an option. —Please choose an option—Word of mouthSocial mediaAdvertisementWebsiteEventOther
Why do you want to become involved in Holdsworth HomeShare? Click on the box to select an option. —Please choose an option—AffordabilityCompanionshipSafetyProximity to work/studyOther
Read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions. YesNo
I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate. YesNo
I confirm that I will notify Holdsworth if there is any change of circumstances. YesNo
** Please note the answers to these questions for grant reporting purposes.