Young At ‘Art’ Intergenerational Art Event


October 28


10:30 am - 01:00 pm

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Intergenerational art event to explore art and to get creative together at ‘Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf’ Double Bay, Sydney

Join us for a free and inclusive art event for the young and young-at-heart to connect together. Be inspired by art and get creative at the stunning ‘Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf’, Double Bay, Sydney.

Primary school students from years 4-6 (8-12 year olds) and older generations including those living with dementia are invited to join us to explore the beautiful art at Woollahra Gallery and create their own! No art experience necessary to participate!

Together we can connect with different generations and build a dementia friendly community!

A little bit more about the event

We will be running two sessions for participants on the day, starting at either 10am or 11am. During both sessions, join us for:

  • Welcome and introduction to the Woollahra Dementia Alliance
  • An intergenerational guided tour of the latest exhibition, ‘Trees’
  • An inspiring intergenerational art making workshop inspired by the exhibition
  • Light morning tea provided on the veranda (lower ground level of the gallery with lift access)
  • Library room providing dementia information and viewing of the Woollahra Dementia Alliance’s Breaking Down The Barriers documentary

Bookings essential.

Parents and carers

Every child attending the event will need an accompanying adult with them during the event. The responsibility of the child is with the accompanying adult.

Please let us know if you are a carer and plan to attend with your loved one when booking.

Art making workshop

This will provide an opportunity to talk more about the artworks and create art work inspired by the exhibition. There is a particular focus on attendance from for primary school students years 4 – 6 and older generations inclusive of those living with dementia.

Open to the public

The gallery is open to the public during the event, so if are not keen to join the tour or art making session you are still welcome to come along to see the art on display.

Photos and Videos

Photos and videos maybe taken during the event, these will be used for publicity and promotional material purposes for Holdsworth, Woollahra Council and Woollahra Dementia Alliance. Those taking official photos will have identification on them. If you do not want to be included in photos or videos, please notify us or the person taking photos on the day.

Due to this event having children participating we request that you do not take photos of others participating in the event.

About the Woollahra Dementia Alliance & Holdsworth

The Woollahra Dementia Alliance, supported by Woollahra Council and Holdsworth, meets bi-monthly to progress an action plan to make Woollahra more dementia-friendly, by raising awareness of issues faced by local people with dementia and taking actions to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers.

Holdsworth’s mission is to support people in our community and encourage social connection to create independent and fulfilling lives.

Holdsworth is a for purpose organisation that’s been part of the fabric of life in the Eastern Suburbs since the 1940s. Starting with before and after-school care for local children, we evolved in the 1970s to provide support to housebound older residents. Today, we provide a broad range of services for people living with disability, families and older Australians. Our services have changed over the years, but our values still hold strong.