Living Well with Dementia Information Session


February 19


10:30 am - 01:00 pm

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Find out more about dementia, the experience of living with dementia and practical strategies

Join us for an informative and engaging information session about dementia with clinical psychologist, Melissa Levi, exploring the latest treatments and practical strategies for managing every day changes.

Melissa Levi is a clinical psychologist, author and founder of Talking Ageing.

Melissa specialises in older people’s mental health and dementia, and has helped more than 1,000 families walk the ageing, dementia and caregiving journeys.

She is committed to empowering every family with the knowledge, strategies and tools to navigate this stage of life with more confidence and hope. We don’t need to do this alone.

Session Program

10:30am – 10:35am: Introduction of Session

10:35am – 11:00am: Presentation on Dementia and Latest Treatments

11:00am – 11:45am: Practical Strategies on Managing Everyday Challenges

11:45am – 12.00pm: Comfort Break

12:00pm – 12:20 pm: Presentation on Late Life Depression and Anxiety

12:20pm – 13:00pm: Practical Strategies for Managing Late Life Depression and Anxiety

13:30pm: Lunch